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Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/10/15
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 8/10/15

Meeting Opened at: 4:15pm
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Kenn Basler and Steve Weisz

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Jacob Edelman and Jill Pajka for the Monterey News, Kelly Tryon, Shawn Tryon, Maggie Leonard and Susan Sellew

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Kelly Tryon, Chair of the Parks Commission was asked by the Board to come in to discuss a few items that came up at the 2nd homeowner’s meeting:
a.  Missing canoes – the Parks Commission confirmed that they have not removed any private canoes, they have put up signs letting residents know that there is no longer any private storage of canoes.  The Parks Commission is looking into building a storage rack for canoes that will either be rented out or reserved through a lottery.
b.  Kelly reported that a number of the umbrella bases at the beach have been stolen.
c.  Kelly reported that she will lose one of her lifeguards this week but she believes she has coverage.  The beach will close August 30th for the summer but will have lifeguard coverage for Labor Day weekend.
d.  Kelly reported that she has spoken with Berkshire South who handles Gt. Barrington’s lifeguard related activities (hiring, firing, scheduling, etc). Kelly is looking into using their services for next year.  The Board supported this option.
e.  The Board commended Kelly for all the work she has done for the Parks Commission.
f.  Movie night was a success.
g.  The Parks Commission is working on a capital plan (updating the playground, baseball field, etc).  Previous years budgets have only allowed for maintaining, so an increase will be necessary.
h.  Update on Jamie’s Court; the surface needs to be tacked down as it is shifting.  Kelly is hoping that the Jamie’s Court organizers will be able to volunteer for this.
i.  The Parks mowing contract will be up this spring and will need to go back out to bid.  Kelly did question since the contract was less than $5,000/year if it needed to be put out to bid.  M. Noe will find that information and send it to her.
2.  Steve reported that he and Shawn will make a pre-site visit to Hume with regards to the upcoming meeting with the cell tower company.
3.  Maggie Leonard reported that she has fulfilled the public records request that came to the Planning Board from Lloyd Gelwan; she was notifying the Board because during the process Mr. Gelwan had sent some very strong, angry emails accusing the town of withholding information.  The Board thanked Maggie for rescheduling tonight’s meeting which was originally scheduled for last week but was moved to tonight accommodate Mr. Gelwan, who was unable to appear.
4.  Kenn inquired about the status of the proposed accessory dwelling unit; Maggie stated that the Planning Board is moving cautiously with it and speaking to all officials within the town that should be involved in the process.  The plans are to bring this to the annual town meeting for consideration; the Board suggested that they would prefer it be presented at a special town meeting devoted to that issue.
5.  Steve asked Maggie about the Planning Board’s June 25th minutes with regards to the old Zip Zantay house; He had concerns about the nonconformity of the property’s septic and it’s proximity to the lake.  Maggie noted that the septic is being pumped up away from the lake.
6.  Maggie asked if the Board could remind Shawn that there is a sign bylaw and that the fire department should’ve requested a permit for it to be in compliance with the bylaw.  She noted that changes may need to be made to the bylaw with regards to the lead time (currently 14 days).
7.  Maggie cleared up any concerns that there may have been with regards to the approved sign at Hume.
8.  New Marlboro Rd bridge:
a.  Susan Sellew came in to discuss her concerns with regards to an email response she received from Kenn, she has since spoken with Shawn about her concerns for the future bridge and trucking needs her business has and she’s satisfied with the future plans for the bridge.  In response to Susan’s concerns about the width of the current temporary bridge Steve confirmed that this is one of the reasons the town is putting out to bid an invitation to fabricate a wider temporary bridge.
b.  Kenn stated that the new temporary bridge should be arriving in October and there will be a length of time prior to that that the road will be shut down again while the new abutments are built.
c.  There will be a bid opening on August 24th for the new temporary bridge.
9.  The Board reviewed the following requests which came up at the 2nd homeowner’s meeting:
a.  Sylvan and Point Rd residents reported that the trimming the Fire Chief had requested, has been done.  It was also reported that there is an issue with the location of the old Verizon and National Grid poles. The residents wanted to know if the town could assist in getting the old poles removed.  M. Noe will forward this to Shawn.
b.  The 2nd homeowners are demanding that an Assistant Harbormaster be appointed for Lake Garfield and that he/she will have a regular presence on the lake.  There were many concerns presented with the current Harbormaster’s involvement which Kenn will speak to the Chief about.  It was also requested that the town should consider purchasing a boat for the use of the Harbormaster and/or emergency personel. One resident suggested that the “Fan Boat” be sold to pay for the new boat.
c.  There was a request for the waterways regulations to be made available; M. Noe will put a link to them on the town website on the Harbormaster’s page.
d.  Members of the Lake Buel prudential committee were invited to join forces with the FLG to attack common weed problems.
e.  Many present expressed their disappointment with not being able to vote as a 2nd homeowner.
f.  It was requested that the transfer station be open on Monday, September 7th.  The Board will speak with the attendants about their availability.
g.  Drawdown procedures were reviewed.
10.  Kenn reported on this morning’s meeting with the Berkshire Record about the Monterey School.  There will be a series of articles with regards to the current situation with the program being closed for this school year.
11.  Bethany reported that the missing payment to the Garbologist will be reissued.
12.  Bethany reported that all of the information has been sent to the IRS with regards to the lien the Board was notified of by a 3rd party last week; she will keep the Board updated on its status.
13.  The information that the Finance Committee is looking for from Bethany with regards to fees paid to elected officials for certain permits/fees paid was discussed.  Steve explained that it is his understanding that the Dept of Revenue is encouraging towns, to abolish these fees (currently the Tax Collector and Town Clerk are paid a portion of fees collected for things like dog licenses and demands). A further discussion of this issue will continue within the Board.
14.  Transfer station fees: Continuing the discussion from last week where Kenn suggested that the Board should consider adding a fee to dispose of electronics as well as to take another look at raising the fees for construction debris.  It was proposed to limit the amount of construction debris that can be dumped and charge a $5 fee for each electronic item that is disposed of.  Kenn has spoken with the Building Commissioner and that the Monterey Transfer Station is no longer a viable option for contractors when filing for a building permit.  A motion was made to charge $5 for each electronics item disposed of and limit bulky waste disposal, per visit, to a 4x8 pickup or a 4x8 or smaller trailer for $20 (waste can not be above the side rails). Oversized objects will be $10.  The motion was seconded and discussion ensued.  The motion passed unanimously. The new fees are in effect immediately.
15.  Community Compact Application: The Board agreed to support the shared school services regional application, in addition to a housing best practice to promote a demographic shift to entice families with children to move to Monterey, and a capital planning best practice for funding capital needs on a regular basis critical to maintaining publicly-owned assets and delivering services effectively.
16.  Gravel bid: the Board agreed to extend Tryon Construction’s contract at the same prices as last year for one year.
17.  Kenn reported that he has met with the group formed trying to raise funds to make a dog park happen.  Three sites are being looked at: behind the pavilion, one on Curtis Rd (owned by Gould Farm) and one down beyond the soccer field at Gould Farm.  Conversations are taking place with Gould Farm.
18.  Scott has spoken with the Brewery. They can accommodate a town hall employee teambuilding event and provide vittles.  This event is scheduled for September 9th, a notice will be sent out.
19.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
a.  The Board approved for Melissa attend tomorrow’s Berkshire Manager’s Meeting which will have a presentation with regards to OPEB trusts as well as a potential group letter with regards to the proposed changes to the public records law.
20.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
21.  Warrants were signed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 7:11pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk